Jewel Writes

Taking my writing to the next level.

Friday, March 15, 2024


How was your week? March Break is pretty much over and I didn’t do any of my writing goals.

I did try to work on my revisions, but I didn’t get far. I’m still on chapter ten. Knowing what needs to be done (just doing it) and having the mental capacity are two totally different things. This is more than my shiny new obsession.

I know I need to do it. If I plan on sending this book out for querying, I must get through revisions. It’s not a section where I’m cutting anything out of my story. I’m just writing down what happened.


From memory.

Maybe I should move on and come back to it later?

It’s the next day. I’m at my writer’s group and a person is reading a book called “It Starts With Why”. It got us talking about why we write. There were the usual answers: a way to figure out the world through writing. I want to write, it’s what I do.

There were more answers, but those are the ones that stuck in my head.

To be honest, this isn’t about the why. It’s about things getting hard and being tired. It’s about spending ten weeks working on something and knowing there is a lot more work to go.

It’s about grit and stick-to-it-ness. While writing is hard, I’m finding revision a lot harder.

Well, I’m just going to go around in circles and then I will probably start whining. To avoid that, I’ll stop here. I just need some faith that I will get through this and to the other side.

Until next week,


“I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil.” Truman Capote

2 responses to “Friday, March 15, 2024”

  1. I like revising. The words are already there. Just go over them and your subconscious will make them better.


  2. Thank you. I do tend to overthink. A lot.


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About Me

I am an Educational Assistant by day and a writer during my off hours. I have many uncompleted “trunk” novels stashed in my home and on my laptop. My goal is to find an agent by the year 2028.